Saturday, March 23, 2013

Dear Susan,
Our district is talking about extending the school day. I already put in an average ten-hour day. With several more hours of class time I have no idea when I would do planning and prep unless I put a cot in the back of my room and just sleep there. Is this the latest trend?  
Not a Robot in Roanoke

Dear “Not a Robot But Expected to Perform Like One”,
The research is all over the map on this one. The country where children spend the most time in the education system is Australia and what have all those hours in the classroom given the world? Outback Steakhouse and Crocodile Dundee. I’m just sayin’. My question on this issue is simple. Who is going to pay for it?? We’re talking higher salaries, increased cost for school use, etc. Most school districts can’t even keep their teachers stocked in paper and pencils for the year. How in the world do they plan to fund this? Don’t buy that cozy cot just yet. When they crunch the numbers reality will hit.

To all my "Ask Susan: Honest Advice" blog followers, you may be glad to know all my amazing wisdom about how to handle disrespectful students, obnoxious parents and annoying administrators is now in book form. The book is available through most book vendors, including Amazon .

Visit my website at where you can once again ride the wild waters of the education system with me in my new blog. That's where I will be posting. I look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your support.

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